A new bill in California will target waste from online shopping as the state continues to try to address plastic pollution. The new bill aims to reduce single-use plastic packaging and filler material that online retailers use during shipping. The state Assembly approved the bill in May, but now it is waiting to be considered by the Senate’s appropriations committee.

Recently, California approved broad legislation to curb plastic pollution, and it was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in late June. The law gives manufacturers ten years to make sure that plastic packaging and food ware items can be recycled, composted, or reused. In addition, they will also have to cut back on the amount of plastic that they generate.

However, environmental groups and activists are calling for even more action from the state hence the new addition to the bill targeting online retailers and packaging. This addition will allow the state to specifically address online retail, which continues to grow as people can get items delivered as fast as one day.

To read the full story, visit https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/new-legislation-in-california-targets-plastic-waste-from-online-retailers/.
Author: Hailey Kanowsky, One Green Planet
Photo by Magda Ehlers, https://www.pexels.com
