There has been an increasing trend to accept aqueous wastes at landfills in recent years, achieved through the use of bulking or solidification/stabilization (S/S) agents. The practices and strategies are generally developed on a case-by-case basis, and in some instances are viewed as proprietary.
While a wide array of materials have been used as bulking or S/S agents, summarized information regarding the state of practice, material properties and usage is not widely available. In particular, material physical and chemical properties are important to ensure their use does not cause excessive heat generation, create odors or leach undesirable or toxic compounds.
Key objectives of EREF’s latest report, “Utilization and Effectiveness of Waste Bulking and Stabilization Strategies”, are to:
  • Identify the liquids that are accepted by landfills, which require solidification/bulking
  • Inventory materials used as bulking and S/S agents
  • Summarize the properties and reactivity of these materials
  • Share best practices when using bulking or S/S agents
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