NWRA filed comments with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) on its proposed rules changes. The proposed changes come as the agency implements certain provisions of SB 673, such as integrating environmental justice concerns into permitting decisions.

“Our members recognize the imperative of early and continuous engagement with potentially impacted communities and the importance of addressing their views in environmental decision-making processes,” said NWRA President and CEO Darrell Smith. “However, we are concerned that DTSC’s implementation of SB 673 could result in significant delays in processing permitting applications.”

NWRA member companies support measures to tackle the historic burdens on environmental justice communities and are committed to providing environmentally safe and effective services within the communities they serve. The association encourages DTSC to consult with NWRA member companies on aligning various permitting authorities to streamline environmental reviews while also encouraging more robust participation among those communities.

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