San Diego County supervisors voted unanimously to amend an organic materials zoning ordinance to provide more options for community gardeners, farmers, commercial composters and residents. After a required second reading of the proposed amendments, the vote will allow composters to discard organic materials such as food waste and agricultural and plant materials, and also pick up compost, which can be used as plant fertilizer.

The board’s vote also establishes a standalone zoning ordinance for organic materials management, amends a section on animal waste processing and develops a zoning verification permit for organic materials management. According to the county Land Use and Environment Group, the vote “will build upon the progress the county has already made and make organic materials processing easier for those who want to set up composting practices.”

According to the board agenda, county officials said they expect “to see an increase of small operations, residential and community-led efforts that will benefit from the changes in this ordinance, as it reduces requirements and in many cases no permit is needed.”

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Author: Elizabeth Ireland, Times of San Diego
Image: Chris Stone, Times of San Diego
