We did it. Trash Zero has started its Pilot program with the city of Phoenix with its local Pilot Facility in the City of Phoenix.

Under the “Transforming Trash into Resources” Request for Proposal which was awarded over two months ago; Trash Zero and its partners were awarded this agreement. Under it Trash Zero and its partners were tasked with processing trash and or carpet.

This agreement will start to provide Trash Zero with a good Supply of Product to  to start selling its flagship products such as RDF, Re-Insul, and Re-Crete and simultaneously show Trash Zero’s ability to process Trash for less than what the market currently pays and as David Taylor, Foreman to the City Of Phoenix Waste Division said “This is the real deal, I have seen alot of duds but I hope you guys go far.”

In a statement by Trash Zero’s CEO Justyn Franko; he said, ” We are excited and honored to work with Phoenix and move the needle in helping Phoenix achieve its sustainability and circular economy goals while helping the community and helping be the change we want to see.”

For more information, visit www.TrashZero.com.
