Organix Solutions, an organics recovery and municipal waste consultancy based in Minnesota, recently announced their commitment to commercialize BurCell™ Recovery Technology.  The BurCell is engineered to capture all organic waste from the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream, including food and compostable paper.  First of its kind, the BurCell can remove the smallest particles of food scraps that typically are left behind with current material handling practices. Organix Solutions’ CEO Jim Wollschlager unveiled plans of their Organix Layered Approach™ for managing organics, municipal solid waste and energy recovery with a live demonstration of the BurCell at the Delano facility to over 100 attendees including state representatives, municipal leaders and customers. “By incorporating this new technology we are reducing environmental impact by directing materials in the waste stream to the highest and best use,” said Jim Wollschlager.  “Our technology can help cities and commercial entities meet the new recycling laws and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The BurCell system was originally designed by Cornerstone Resources. Marathon Equipment, a brand within the Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) manufactures the BurCell system and has worked closely with Cornerstone and Organix Solutions to further enhance the BurCell design and thoroughly test the system for Organix Solutions’ targeted applications.  Pat Carroll, President of ESG, emphasized “ESG is delighted to be part of this innovative team working together on Organix Solutions’ vision to drive value-added processing of organic waste.”

In 1995 the Minnesota legislature established a 50 percent recycling goal for its metropolitan counties by 2030.  In 2010, the state mandated organics (food waste) as a recyclable and exempted source separated compostable waste from solid waste management taxes. In 2014, Minnesota set a new 75 percent recycling and composting goal for the Twin Cities metro area by 2030. California and several Northeastern states have implemented organics recycling laws, while other states are developing laws for managing organics. Organics and non-recycled paper represent up to 60 percent of the MSW stream. “We want to reverse the unsustainable and unprofitable disposal model in favor of a layered approach that is regenerative and restorative by design,” said Wollschlager. “Our solutions prevent this immense fraction of MSW from ever reaching a landfill.”

In addition to the BurCell Recovery Technology, Organix Solutionswill be expanding the versatility of the Delano materials recovery facility with an anaerobic digester slated to break ground this spring. The anaerobic digester will operate as the fourth layer in the Organix Solutions system and will generate fuel for the hauler’s fleet.

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