Print Ad Sizes:

Ad size Width x Height

Spread Bleed 18.5″ w x 11.375″ h

Full Bleed 9.5″ w x 11.375″ h

Full Non-Bleed 8.00″ w x 9.00″ h

Half Page Horizontal 7.75″  wx 4.75″ h

Half Page Vertical 3.75″  wx 9.75″ h

Third Page Vertical 2.375″ w x 9.75″ h

Quarter Page 3.625″ w x 4.75″ h

Sixth Page 2.375″ w x 4.75″ h




Material Due Dates 2024:

January    12/08/23
February    01/12/24
March    02/12/24
April    03/11/24
May    04/08/24
June    05/10/24
July    06/10/24
August    07/10/24
September   08/12/24
October    09/09/24
November    10/11/24
December    11/08/24




File Creation Guidelines:

Below are recommendations to assist you in setting up your ad file properly and to get the best quality in your print ad.

cymk: All colors should be created in the cymk format. Please make sure NO Spot colors are in use in the document. Although we can convert spot colors to the CMYK format, it is considered best practice to convert them before creating the PDF file.

Rich Black Usage: Our recommended Rich Black build is C-60 M-40 Y-30 K-100. Only use this build for large, solid areas of black coverage. DO NOT use this build for body copy, thin lines or small elements.

Registration Color: NEVER use the color “Registration” that is in the Swatches palette. This is 100% of all colors and will not output correctly.
Auto Color: Files and page elements that have been imported from Microsoft Word and PageMaker can sometimes use the color “Auto.” This color behaves like “Registration” color and will not output correctly.

Image Resolution: 300 dpi final size is recommended for images. Enlarging images will decrease the effective resolution while reducing images will increase the effective resolution. Images under 300 dpi can result in poor quality print with bitmap or grainy appearance. The quality of the original image will be a factor in how it willre-produce. Up-sampling images in Photoshop will not necessarily increase the quality.

Bleeds: Allow 0.25 inch past the trim size for all full page bleed ads. We need a minimum of 0.125” bleed but prefer 0.25” bleed. If you send files with less than 0.25” bleed and there are elements close to trim there is a risk of copy being cut off during the trimming process. All copy, logos and important information should be at least 1/2 inch in from trim.

Margins: We ask that you do not place anything important less than 0.25” from trim, especially type.
TRIM IS THE TOP, BOTTOM AND FACE OF THE PAGE. If type, images and/or page numbers are within 0.25” of trim, it is possible for it to be cut off.

Crop Marks: We ask for NO crop marks as trim boxes are defined within PDFs if they are exported from the Adobe products or Quark. If you want to include them, they MUST be offset 0.25” to ensure that they are outside of the bleed area.

Accepted Files: tif, pdf, jpg
All fonts must be embedded and file must be flattened. Ad files created in Word or Publisher will not be accepted.

Send ad files to [email protected].
Files too large to e-mail, please contact the production department for instructions.


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