Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. is pleased to announce that Ronald W. Pettit has joined the firm as Principal Associate focusing on projects that integrate technology tools into collection service improvements, further enhancing GBB’s consulting services to streamline, create operational efficiencies, and improve waste collection operations. Mr. Pettit’s significant experience includes over 30 years in software technology in various management roles with Unix, Linux, and Windows systems, enterprise application servers, and mobile devices. He most recently spent 8 years, in the waste industry, as Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, and Vice President of Research & Development / Operations / Business Development at Routeware, a provider of operations efficiency technology to organizations with fleets of vehicles. He has in-depth knowledge of the waste vehicle’s environment and its hardware requirements; knowledge of many technology vendors in this space; understanding haulers’ needs for preparing a technology deployment; and understanding the dozens of performance measurements in improved operations with in-cab management. He collaborated with GBB as part of the multi-disciplinary team that successfully implemented a powerful multi-prong technology solution for the Lexington Fayette (Kentucky) Urban County Government’s automated residential collection system. Through his leadership position at Routeware, he helped significantly improve collection operations at many customers nationwide, including municipal waste haulers as well as private haulers ranging in size from a half-dozen vehicles to large public companies.

“With his background, Ron is uniquely qualified to help municipal and private haulers apply appropriate technologies to their operations,” noted Bob Brickner, GBB Executive Vice President. “The combination of his strong waste industry knowledge, technology expertise, and deep understanding of how it can benefit waste haulers is well suited to complement our team of consultants.” “It is exciting to join an organization that is a recognized leader in its market,” said Mr. Pettit. “I see this relationship as a great opportunity to create synergies between GBB’s extensive strategic solid waste management expertise and my ability to understand, select, and implement the proper technologies to maximize the efficiencies between the three most valuable resources of a waste collection operation: the drivers, routes, and vehicles.” Mr. Pettit holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Worcester (MA) Polytechnic Institute. He can be reached at [email protected] or 503-320-0993.

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