In Canada, British Columbina, and more specifically, the Lower Mainland, the concept of scrap car recycling has gained significant traction; that’s because this eco-friendly practice helps manage the waste generated by end-of-life vehicles and plays a crucial role in conserving resources, reducing pollution, and mitigating the overall impact of human activities on the planet. So, together let’s take a closer look at the journey of scrap car recycling in British Columbia and how it contributes to a greener future.

Each year, millions of vehicles reach the end of their useful lives. Traditionally, these vehicles would end up in landfills, contributing to the already overwhelming problem of waste management. However, the modern approach to handling these end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) has shifted towards repurposing, driven by both economic and environmental incentives.

The journey begins when a vehicle is deemed no longer roadworthy. Owners can sell their old cars to scrap yards, or to specialized companies. These companies handle the logistics of transporting the vehicles to proper facilities. Once at the recycling facility, the vehicle undergoes a depollution process. This involves safely removing hazardous materials such as battery acid, fuel, oil, coolant, and other fluids. Proper handling and disposal of these substances prevent soil and water contamination, protecting the environment.

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Author: Chris Reyes, The Good Men Project
Image: The Good Men 

