The Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation will host a webinar on the 2022 National (EPA) and Florida Recycling Update on Wednesday, February 23 at 1 pm.  Presenters include Barbara Alfano, Chief of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 4 PCB & Sustainability Section and Karen Moore, Environmental Administrator for the Waste Reduction (Recycling) and Waste Registration Sections for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Last November, the EPA released its 2021 National Recycling Strategy, a critical effort to build a circular economy for all. A circular economy is an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by design. It is a change to the linear model from which resources are mined, made into products, and then thrown away. A circular economy reduces materials use, redesigns materials and products to be less resource intensive, and recaptures “waste” as a resource to manufacture new materials and products. Alfano will discuss the newly released National Recycling Strategy and infrastructure funding available.

Florida Statutes directs FDEP to provide a report to the Legislature that identifies additional programs or statutory changes needed to achieve the recycling rate goals when those goals have not been met. As directed, FDEP provided reports following the interim goal years of 2016 and 2018 and presents its final report for the 75% goal year of 2020.

In the report, FDEP suggested ways to potentially increase recycling in Florida.  These include options focusing on market development, construction and demolition debris recycling, organics recycling, commercial recycling, and education and outreach. However, through partnership with Florida recycling stakeholders, there is an opportunity to transform Florida recycling’s aspirational goal into a program that incorporates source reduction, diversion of waste, recycling, and consideration of the full environmental impact of materials used from cradle to grave.  Moore will talk about the 2020 75% Recycling Goal Final Report that DEP submitted to the Florida Legislature and recommendations made by stakeholders. Cost – $25

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