An expanded project is helping reduce food waste in the friendly city by creating a designated space for community compost bins. The Climate Alliance of the Valley began collecting food scraps in 2016 at the Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market. Now, the community compost bins provide provide a space for residents to drop off food scraps 24 hours a day. The community project has recently expanded to include eight bins outside of Harrisonburg City Hall.

Climate Action Alliance said not everyone has the space in their home to recycle food scraps. The project’s co-coordinator Adrie Voors said recycled food scraps can be used to help nourish plants. Composting helps reduce the size of landfills and greenhouse gas emissions. Voors said food waste makes up one third of peoples’ trash, and the compost bins will give the waste a new purpose.

An expanded project is helping reduce food waste in the friendly city by creating a designated space for community compost bins.

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Author: Shelby Martin, WHSV 3
Image: WHSV 3
