Effective July 1, new recycling guidelines for Penn Waste customers have been implemented. Penn Waste specified to customers that regular paper, junk mail and magazines are no longer accepted in recycling bins. The policy cites a “recycling crisis created by China” for the change. China has long been the largest buyer of recyclable material in the world.

Because China implemented a new 0.5 per contamination standard, Penn Waste has cut back on what’s acceptable in their recycling bins. “We’ve had to update our recycle guidelines to reflect the changes,” Penn Waste wrote in one of its responses to readers on its Facebook page.

Items that are considered as contaminants include items such as plastic bags, clothing, medical waste and Christmas lights. Penn Waste’s new guidelines specify that only clean and dry newspaper and dry and flattened cardboard, none with any food contact or contamination, as recyclable.

Read the full story at https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2018/07/10/penn-waste-changes-recycling-guidelines-paper-products-says-china-created-crisis/772525002/.
