The long-running debate over paper versus plastic was pretty much settled in the Bay Area years ago. Plastic lost. Most cities around the bay, and nearly 150 cities and counties statewide, bar groceries and drug stores from giving single-use plastic bags to customers. The fear is that the lightweight, hard-to-break-down sacks will end up as litter in rivers and other waterways and choke wildlife.

While shoppers seem to have taken to the new rules without much fuss — even as they often pay 10 cents for a paper bag to cover the added cost for retailers — plastic-bag makers are far from accepting the change.

With California out in front of a nationwide trend that could cut deep into the industry’s profits, plastic manufacturers are pushing a state ballot initiative that would allow them to keep at least some of California’s bag market, while putting the rest of the country on notice that they’re willing to fight for their product.

Proposition 67 is a referendum on a California-wide ban on plastic bags. Gov. Jerry Brown signed off on the far-reaching restriction two years ago, but the plastics industry exercised a provision in the state Constitution that allows for a popular vote on a law before it takes effect.

The industry spent close to $3 million to qualify the referendum for the Nov. 8 ballot through a signature drive, according to state elections data, and has since poured a few million more into trying to win over voters — far outspending its opponents. South Carolina bag giant Hilex Poly is the biggest funder.

“If they can stop (the ban) here, that takes away a lot of momentum in other places,” said David Lewis, executive director of the environmental nonprofit group Save the Bay and a supporter of the prohibition.

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