RouteSmart Technologies, the leading worldwide provider of route planning and optimization solutions, unveiled a new, redesigned website at The redesign initiative aimed to reshape the online experience for visitors, combining sleek aesthetics with unparalleled functionality to augment user experience and engagement.

“The focus was to prioritize crucial information for our clients, ensuring that they can easily access industry-specific insights and learn how they can optimize their service and delivery routes for success,” VP of Marketing Doug Hill said. “We’ve revamped the website with a modern, intuitive interface for seamless navigation. The website now runs faster and is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that clients can access vital information anytime, anywhere.”

One of the key highlights of the redesigned website is the prioritization of industry-specific information. Visitors can now easily navigate through the five highlighted markets prominently displayed on the homepage, allowing them to swiftly access insights tailored to their specific needs.

In addition, the website showcases real-world examples of customer success stories, demonstrating the effectiveness of our route-planning technology across various industries. The stories from each of our core markets reflect the tangible benefits and value delivered to our thousands of clients across the globe.

The new “FIX YOUR ROUTES,” feature allows potential clients to experience firsthand how we can improve their operations. By uploading their data, clients receive customized route optimization reports, gaining valuable insights into potential benefits and efficiencies.

“The launch of the redesigned website reflects our commitment to innovation, excellence, and customer satisfaction,” Hill said. “The team behind the project dedicated themselves to creating a platform that exceeds expectations and serves as a valuable resource for years to come.”

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