The Grimes Avenue Station in Owensboro is getting a $2 million upgrade. The facility has been the primary destination for solid waste in Owensboro since 1994. In the past 29 years, officials say the annual tonnage has nearly doubled. As more people come to live in Owensboro, the Daviess County Fiscal Court decided to give the station a facelift.

Castlen says it will help both residents and those who work at the site. The supervisor says the project will be done in three phases. The first phase calls for a new layout of the Convenience Center. There is currently only 8 unloading slots. “There are numerous times where you can look here and throughout the day, especially Saturday’s, pickups are lined up all the way to the gate, just waiting to get in one of those eight spots to get rid of their waste. So especially for citizens, it is going to be a tremendous help,” says Charlie Castlen, the Daviess County Judge Executive.

Residents will eventually have 16 slots to pull into. The transfer station will also be get a new tipping floor, along with inbound scales in Phase 1. “Over the years, we just wore the floor, where the concrete was wore out and is cracking and falling apart. So we need to rebuild that,” Lanham says.

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Author: Ann Powell,
