Nominations are open for SWANA’s SMM Vice Director. The Vice Director is responsible for assisting the Director in fulfilling their duties, advancing the goals of the SMM TD and for supporting committee chairs in the completion of their duties. The Vice Director is a member of the SMM TD Steering Committee and serves a two-year term, before serving a two-year term as Director, and then a two-year term as Past Director.

SMM Technical Division Goals are:

  • Provide factual and reliable information on all aspects of sustainable materials management
  • Provide suggestions and guidance to increase opportunities for professional development individuals working in Sustainable Materials Management
  • Establish consistent and continuous leadership for the Division
  • Serve the Division’s membership
  • Participate in monthly Executive Committee calls and quarterly TD meetings, whether they are in person or virtual
  • Assist in the development and implementation of the Division’s work plan, updated annually

To announce your interest in this position, please send your letter of interest and resume to Theresa Rademacher, Technical Divisions Manager with SWANA [email protected] no later than June 30, 2021.

For more information, visit
