SWEEP is happy to announce the certification of their first industry service provider, Mt.Diablo Resource Recovery (MDRR), a private waste company based in the San Francisco Bay area.  Showing an excellent commitment to Sustainable Materials Management (SMM), the hauler and processor has obtained certification at the Gold level.

SWEEP certification required MDRR to analyze its business in five different performance categories: policy, data, collection, recovery, and disposal.  Through several key initiatives such as setting ambitious waste reduction targets, establishing stringent guidelines for Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Programs (EPPPs), and achieving ambitious goals in the areas of source reduction, reuse, rescue efforts, waste prevention, and upcycling they obtained Gold certification. MDRR’s certification also includes several Innovation points for exemplary performance for its source reduction programs, the use of a fleet run on alternative fuels and facility mobile equipment, and other industry-leading activities.

“We are really committed to running a modern, forward-thinking business committed to sustainable practices,” said Kish Rajan, CEO of MDRR. “We like the idea that we’re the first company to get this certification.”

For more information, visit https://sweepstandard.org/sweep-certification/.
