In a move towards bolstering recycling efforts and reducing waste contamination, the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNDR) has expanded its Mandatory Recycle Material Bylaw to include materials regulated by the provincial Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program. Under the expanded bylaw, consumers purchasing products covered by the EPR program will pay advanced handling fees which cover costs for take-back programs at solid waste facilities in B.C.

The Mandatory Recyclable Material Bylaw was first implemented in 2022. Following the amendment of the bylaw in 2023, materials and products such as antifreeze, lead-acid batteries, electronics, fluorescent lights, gasoline, paint, fundable beverage containers, thermostats, and more, now follow under the EPR program. Penalties will apply for non-compliance with recycling regulations once fully enforced. Loads exceeding 10% of specific recyclable materials face volume-based fines, while those containing other listed EPR materials incur unit-based fines. Volume-based penalties amount to 50% of the disposal fee, while unit-based fines are set at $50 per unit.

“The purpose of this bylaw is to make sure that recyclable materials are properly disposed of and kept out of our landfills. A similar bylaw is in place in other parts of southern B.C. and has proven to reduce landfill waste,” said Adriana Mailloux, TNRD manager of solid waste & recycling. “Through our public consultation before the bylaw was implemented in 2022, and again in 2023 before it was amended, we also know that there is generally very good support for a disposal ban. We appreciate cooperation and understanding of our customers.”

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Author: Kenneth Wong, Merritt Herald
Image: Merritt Herald
