“These initial sites were identified through a multi-step process, using criteria that we developed through a public process. It is exciting to see the early results of the screening process, and we are eager to get feedback on the sites,” said Deschutes County’s Director of Solid Waste Chad Centola said in a statement. The committee is expected to narrow the list down to three-to-five sites for further study after additional analysis. That’s expected in March.

Deschutes County says the new facility will be a 100-year asset and the search for a location will mainly be driven by the need for landfill capacity. Other services such as recyclables, food waste, and construction and demolition materials may also be considered. The transfer station, recycling center, household hazardous waste collection facility and composting operation at Knott Landfill will continue to operate at their current location and be open to the public after closure of Knott Landfill, the county said.

To read the full story, visit https://centraloregondaily.com/deschutes-county-knott-landfill-replacement-site-candidates/.
Author: Central Oregon Daily News Sources
Central Oregon Daily News Sources
