Tide Rock announces the appointment of David Hokens as President of American Recycling Holdings. American Recycling is a full service commercial and industrial recycling company and is part of Tide Rock’s recycling portfolio, which includes platforms such as Full Circle Electronics, a national recycling provider that specializes in electronics recycling, IT asset disposition, and data destruction, as well as MAT Recyclers, a mattress recycling provider in California.

Hokens has over 20 years of experience in material science engineering as well as food and agriculture, giving him a strong familiarity with the commodities materials markets and the full circle economy for paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals. Most recently, Hokens was a leader in Procurement and Operations at Ready Pac Foods, Inc. and National Veterinary Associates. Prior, he was in Corporate Strategy at The Wonderful Company, a privately held holding company of various food and agriculture brands, including POM pomegranates, Halos mandarin oranges, Wonderful pistachios and lemons, FIJI water, JUSTIN wines and other similar brands, and a strategy consultant with Booz & Company and A.T. Kearney. Early in his career, Mr. Hokens was an engineer at Owens Corning and at Amerigas.

“We are excited to have David onboard as the leader of American Recycling,” said Mark Papp, President of Tide Rock Yield Co. “His diverse experience in and deep understanding of commodity materials, food and agriculture positions him well for American Recycling. He understands the needs of the customer base as he ran a grapefruit business at The Wonderful Company and led procurement at Ready Pac Foods. We have strong confidence that he will enhance American Recycling’s operations and build relationships with current and future customers. American Recycling is the single source recycling provider and industry leader in North Central Valley, and we are confident that David will further solidify and grow our position in the market, as well as expand our reach across the region.”

To read the full story, visit https://www.koin.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/666743378/american-recycling-holdings-appoints-david-hokens-as-president-to-boost-growth-and-reinforce-regional-leadership/.
Author: EIN Presswire, KOIN 6
EIN Presswire, KOIN 6

