Baltimore County is proposing a bill to ban plastic bags, following similar legislation passed in Howard County and Baltimore City. The Bring Your Own Bag Act hopes to address trash buildup across the county and in its streams. Baltimore County Councilman Izzy Patoka, D-District 2, introduced and serves as one of the lead sponsors of the bill. “If you look right into this feeder into the Gwynns Falls, it’s chock full of plastic bags that have been dumped into our ecosystem. They all come from grocery stores and other retailers,” Patoka said.

The bill calls for retailers to stop using plastic bags and charge 10 cents for each paper bag people receive with their purchases. “You can also bring your own bag and not have a fee,” Patoka said. “Paper bags are easier on our environment. Plastic bags are very, very harmful. And, we’ve got to take incremental steps to improve our environment.”

Some people who spoke with 11 News support a ban, but others, not so much. “Right now, with the cost of living, having even just that little bit of add-on for a store, it can add up if you’re buying a large amount of groceries for your family,” said Lisa Ayers, a shopper.

“That’s fine. I have a ton of bags at home,” said George Butcher, a shopper. “Plastics bags are bad for the environment.”

To read the full story, visit
Author: Lisa Robinson, WBALTV 11
Image: WBALTV 11

