In honor of Earth Day on April 22, Rumpke wants to remind everyone about proper battery storage and disposal, specifically Lithium-ion batteries. Battery-related fires pose a significant and unnecessary safety risk to waste management employees and first responders.

Lithium-ion batteries power rechargeable devices like cell phones, power tools and laptops. The chemicals within the batteries are highly flammable and are considered hazardous household waste.

During transportation or processing, used batteries can explode and create destructive fires. In 2023, Rumpke faced 98 battery fires at our recycling facilities and 75 truckload fires.

The easiest way to prevent battery-related fires is to avoid putting used batteries or electronics into your trash or curbside recycling bin. Instead, collect your “dead” batteries and take them to a designated drop-off location.

To locate your nearest hazardous waste drop-off location, contact the following resources:

  • org

Your local solid waste district website is a great resource for locating proper drop-off locations.

Prevent battery-related fires at home with proper battery storage:

  • Store in a non-conductive container or original packaging
  • Keep away from humidity and extreme temperatures
  • Avoid mixing new and old batteries

Together, we can keep our communities and environment safe.

For more information, visit
