43 Circuits

We live on an orb,

that circles a star,

and carries us ‘round all together.

Forty-three times,

I’ve circled our sun,

along with some six billion others.

Compared to the masses,

the burdens I bear,

are really just light as a feather.

There’s no time to wait,

the moment’s now come,

to give something back to my brothers.


As luck would have it, my journey on this Earth began with me born in a place and into a family that would ensure my place at the head of the line, with more resources at my disposal than at least 99 of each 100 fellow travelers. I’ve always been sensitive to the struggles of those not so lucky as I. But I’ve never cried so close to my own birthday. Charleston, San Bernardino, Paris, Orlando, Baton Rouge, Minnesota, all the others and … Dallas. You all know the ones that make the news, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg—in the U.S. alone there were as many shootings of four or more people as days in 2015 (47 on school campuses alone).

The feeling of powerlessness that confronts me each time these occur is like nothing I feel anywhere else in my life. But this year, I will take a stand—I will not sit idly by. I will do what I can to improve the world for as many people as I can, hoping that what little I can do might prevent some of this senseless violence. I don’t have the skills or the power to take on the forces I believe have created an environment where these events can happen so easily, so regularly. But I do have skills that I can use to help my community have some of the same educational opportunities I had during my youth—and maybe, just maybe, that might improve lives enough to make such things less likely.

Mark my words, by this time next year, free tutoring for those in need will be underway. I regret that it took a tragedy so close to home to motivate me to follow through with plans I’ve kicked around for years. It’s been a long time coming—my 44th circuit will be different!

Adam Jochelson, P. E., MOLO, is a Principal Engineer at DHR Engineering, Inc. He’s also the CEO of Modern Landfill Engineering Services where he promotes the application of cutting edge technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of landfill operations. Adam built his knowledge and techniques over a nine-year period as the on-site engineer at McCommas Bluff Landfill in Dallas, TX. His unique experiences in engineering and other fields have combined to create an exceptional understanding of the various challenges inherent in landfill planning, design, and operations. Send comments or questions to Adam at [email protected] or [email protected] or call him at (214) 789-2326.

Land·fill En·gi·neer [land-fil en-juh-neer]

(noun) an environmental engineer who specializes in the design, management, planning, and development, of solid waste management facilities; a unique combination of engineer, surveyor, data analyst, computer programmer, construction worker, manager, teacher, writer, conservationist, and experimenter.
