The City of Hoboken announced the City’s new Textile Recycling Program in which residents can drop off unwearable, torn, and non-donatable textiles, such as shoes, clothing, accessories, and linens, at two drop-off locations to be recycled. The program will reduce the number of textiles sent to landfills decreasing the City’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of the City’s Climate Action Plan to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Textiles do not easily decompose as man-made fibers do not typically decompose, natural fibers can take years to decompose, and woolen fibers can release methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as they decompose. According to the Hoboken Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas Inventory, adopted in 2019, 9 percent of greenhouse gas emissions emitted in the community come from solid waste, including textiles.

The City has installed two textile recycling bins on City-owned property to divert used textiles from landfills and provide the community with an additional means of waste management. One bin is on the patio behind City Hall at 94 Washington St., along Bloomfield Street, and one bin is at Church Square Park along the north side of the central restroom building at 400 Garden St.

The program accepts the following items in any condition:

  • clean clothes
  • shoes
  • sheets
  • towels
  • handbags
  • clothing accessories

Non-acceptable items include:

  • plastic toys
  • bathroom mats
  • rugs
  • shower curtains
  • down pillows and comforters

The City awarded non-profit Green Tree Charity as its provider of textile recycling at no cost to the City. Green Tree Charity handles more than 100,000 pounds of textile recycling each month. Green Tree Charity will collect the recyclables weekly. Environmental Services staff will assist in monitoring the textile bins and notify Green Tree about increasing their frequency of scheduled pick-ups if needed. The Hoboken Green Team initiated the Textile Recycling Program.

For more information, visit
