The nonprofit Home ReSource sustainability center in Missoula recently announced a partnership with the Missoula Valley County Water Quality District to build and operate the county’s first year-round, permanent household hazardous waste disposal facility. Up until now, the county has been hosting an annual two-day household hazardous waste collection event, according to Todd Seib, an environmental health specialist with the county.

And despite being held only at a certain time and place, community members overwhelming showed up and proved that there was a demand for getting rid of these substances that are toxic to humans, animals and plants. “We would collect 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of flammable liquids and there would be 2,000 pounds of pesticides, things like that,” Seib said.

Located at Home ReSource’s headquarters at 1515 Wyoming Street, the new collection center will be built this spring when the ground thaws in time to be open in late summer or early fall of 2023. It basically consists of a huge $160,000 metal container that’s designed with fire suppression systems. Ramps will allow barrels to be dollied in and out of the container.

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Author: David Erickson, Missoulian
Image: Ben Allan Smith, Missoulian
