The Jefferson County Solid Waste Authority announced there are now glass recycling containers at the newest recycling site in Sykesville. These glass containers have been a work in progress for several months. The authority has been working to repair older containers to be used as glass receptacles, and trying to work out a design that will stop the public from dumping non-recyclable glass like windows and aquariums.

One of the refabricated containers has been at the Washington Street site for about a month, and Authority Director Donna Cooper said she hasn’t heard any complaints about the containers. “The only thing I did see down here is there was a piece of window glass, but we have corrected that through because I went ahead and had the guy that’s redoing this, we moved that compartment because I noticed after our meeting last month that the clear glass is just filling up to quickly at Washington,” Cooper said.

The first compartment of the containers will be for brown glass, which she hopes will stop people from putting in clear window glass. The second compartment will be for green glass, and the final compartment, which will be about 50 percent of the container, will be for clear glass. There will be bars to stop people from sliding in larger glass that is not accepted. The only clear glass that is accepted at the recycling sites are bottles and jars. “We’ve done a fair amount of collecting of glass so far here in June, so the glass seems to be working out real well,” Cooper said.

To read the full story, visit
Author: Alex Nelson, Courier Express
Photo by Meizhi Lang on Unsplash
