Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar received the final signature from Governor Kathy Hochul on her bill requiring hazardous and toxic waste transported by rail to be covered with hard tarping. Rajkumar’s bill, A4928, was passed unanimously and brought an end to the over 13-year-long battle to create safer conditions for those residing near the New York and Atlantic Railway. Once the law is enacted after 90 days, any hazardous and toxic waste transported by rail will need to be covered with a hard tarping to prevent spilling and the emissions of noxious gasses.

“I am proud to bring the people of New York state this monumental achievement for our environment and health. By simply covering rail cars transporting waste, we will prevent noxious fumes and hazardous waste from endangering people. All we have to do is put a lid on it,” Rajkumar said. “It is time to put a lid on the garbage, to put a lid on the noxious fumes, to put a lid on the hazardous waste. It’s time to put a lid on the destruction of our health and to put a lid on the destruction of our environment Just put a lid on it. It is common sense.”

Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. also succeeded in the passage of the bill, S2022, in the Senate chambers. “I am pleased that the concerns of our constituents who live in close proximity to rail activity have been answered. For too long, residents had to endure the foul odor and debris that emanated from the uncovered rail cars, but those conditions will be addressed with this new law. Our constituents can now live in peace. I am proud of what this bill represents,” Addabbo said. “Residents complained, their state electeds heard them, acted on it, and resolved the issue. That is how government should work for its people. I truly appreciate the efforts of my friend and colleague Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar, as well as Governor Hochul’s approval of the bill.”

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Author: Anthony Medina, QNS
Anthony Medina, QNS
