Scott commissioners unanimously approved a five-year, $5.8 million contract with Waste Management Tuesday that will bring automated garbage and recycling pick-up to the township next year. Commissioner Bill Wells said the township will save $200,000 over the life of the contract, which takes effect in January.

Residents will receive new refuse and recycling bins designed for the automated collection. The bins, which will be delivered to residents, are lifted into the truck mechanically instead of a crew having to manually empty bins into the trucks. Township Manager Denise Fitzgerald said Scott is getting a price break by starting automated collection in 2019 instead of 2020 like some other South Hills communities.

Ms. Fitzgerald said the contract includes unlimited trash pick-up, so if residents have more trash than will fit into the bin, they can simply leave it in bags next to the bin. Officials reminded residents that under the new contract, glass and certain types of plastics will no longer be able to be recycled curbside. Only plastics with a No. 1 or No. 2 on the bottom will be taken.

Starting in 2020, if recycling loads are contaminated with glass or other plastics, municipalities could face a penalty. Ms. Fitzgerald said the penalties could be passed on to residents. In Scott, trash and recycling pick-up is included in residents’ municipal taxes. Council also voted to advertise an ordinance that would have buildings with four or more housing units arrange for their own garbage and recycling collection.

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