During Earth Month, Disney Parks educates guests about its tremendous efforts to reduce food waste at all of its properties worldwide and how they can do their part to make their park visits as eco-friendly as possible. Disney recently launched its Disney Planet Possible program, which encompasses not only food waste diversion, but all of the actions the company is taking toward building an environmentally balanced and sustainable future.

As you might imagine, every Disney park produces an incredible amount of food items each day. From those iconic outdoor vending items (churros, pretzels, popcorn, turkey legs and much more) to the panoply of dishes on offer at its gourmet restaurants. One wonders what becomes of the uneaten perishables and leftover food scraps that must inevitably come from feeding thousands of guests on a daily basis.

As it turns out, after food has gone from farm to kitchen, the lifecycle of leftovers and unsold edibles is still far from over. Those comestibles are given a second life, going to feed families in need and even producing energy to run park operations. Plus, diverting food waste away from landfills not only helps address food insecurities and renewable energy but also averts organic decomposition, which produces greenhouse gases 25-times more potent than carbon dioxide.

To read the full story, visit https://www.travelpulse.com/news/entertainment/what-happens-to-all-the-leftover-food-from-disney-parks.html.
Author: Laurie Baratti , Travel Pulse
Image: Daniela Constantini, Pexels.com 
