The city of Whitehall is rolling out its new two-cart waste-and-recycling program with fresh receptacles that will be delivered through Dec. 19. The city began delivering the uniform containers to households Dec. 7. Earlier this fall, residents were invited to select their garbage-cart sizes by choosing from among 95-, 65- or 35-gallon options; those who didn’t choose got a 95-gallon cart. Meanwhile, all residents received a 65-gallon recycling container.

Delivery of the containers to residents marks the implementation of the new “cart contents only” program with Local Waste Services LLC, with whom Whitehall City Council on Aug. 18 approved a five-year contract extension. The program begins Jan. 6. “I would say one of our main focuses and one of our main drivers is our waste diversion is so low compared with other communities,” said Megan Meyer, a Whitehall spokeswoman. “And so with the upgrade from their (former) 18-gallon totes to their 65-gallon carts, we really encourage residents to learn about what they can recycle curbside to make the most of their cart.”

Trash collection needed to change, too, Meyer said. “Pretty much what happened previously on a garbage day, they could literally put out garbage in just a bag,” she said.

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Author: Gary Semen Jr., ThisWeek Group
Image: Shane Flanigan, ThisWeek Group
